Jan 10, 2010 11pm- getting a late start since we went to canada for the weekend. Jay has some new ideas. basically using workers (female), drones (males), and queens. using version 0.11 JAY says each side starts with a QUEEN QUEEN - Supply Cost, SP=0; MP=0; AP=0; GP=0 -You may create a DRONE each turn. COST 1 RESOURCE DRONE - SP= -1; MP=0; AP=1; GP=0 -Can spend 1 DRONE +2 RESOURCE to create 1 WORKER -For now, DRONES have no other purpose. WORKER - SP= -1; MP=1; AP=1; GP=1 -expand colony -gather -fight THE HIVE - SP = +4 LOOP 10JAN10-1 STARTING UNITS 1 HIVE 2 WORKERS 1 QUEEN 0 DRONES 0 RESOURCES BOARD -RANDOM TRI-COLOR. -2 rings -Starting Hive above and below, N/S. (Ring 3) GAMEPLAY- 1. SPEND MP. MOVE, GATHER, FIGHT, BUILD costs 1 MP each 2. When out of MP for all UNITS, must end turn. -You do NOT have to spend all MP each turn. -MP do not accumulate MOVE - MP= -1 -If you move to an unflipped tile: -Flip and rotate tile and move ant to the next space. -ROLL D4 and ADD RESULT TO 2 (Make custom Die to do this, so no adding required) -Change Tri-color space label to match this number. This is the RESOURCE POOL for this hex GATHER - MP= -1 -If the space has a stack of RESOURCE TOKENS, collect 1 RESOURCE TOKEN per 1 MP. -Remove 1 RESOURCE TOKEN for each MP spent -If the space has a 0 tokens, NO RESOURCE TOKENS may be automatically collected for 1 MP -You may risk 2 MP to roll a D6. -5,6 means you collect 1 RESOURCE TOKEN. (Lose 2 MP) -1,2,3,4 - Nothing Happens (lose 2 MP) -You may use multiple ANTS to pay the 2 MP cost -We need something to make the colored spaces special. -maybe if you are on a yellow space, you can get a free yellow resource. -or maybe you can spend 2 MP and draw a yellow card instead of gathering a RESOURCE TOKEN FIGHT BUILD Questions To Ponder: Why would I not want to move my worker on the first turn? Could there be a strategy to keep it in the hive? What happens if all the hexes around your starting base have minimum resources? Other Notes: If you have a chain of workers, you can pass resources back to base faster.